Lost Your Veneer? Here’s a Guide to Getting Back Your Winning Smile

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — robmadry @ 4:54 pm
Patient at their dentist’s office after losing a veneer

Veneers are a popular cosmetic solution for achieving a flawless “Hollywood smile.” Many patients receive them every year to improve their teeth and sharpen their personal image or professional brand. However, even with proper care, accidents can happen, and veneers may occasionally come loose or fall off. If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic! Read on for a step-by-step guide on what to do if your veneer falls off.

1. Retrieve Your Veneer

If your veneer falls off, carefully retrieve it and handle it with care. Avoid touching the adhesive side to prevent contamination. If you can, place it in a small container or sandwich bag for safekeeping. Also, check the veneer for damage like cracks or chips if it’s still intact, there is a high likelihood it can be reattached.

2. Contact Your Dentist

As soon as possible, contact your dentist to schedule an appointment. A fallen veneer isn’t a dental emergency, so it’s okay to take the next available time slot. The process to reattach your veneer probably won’t take too long, so they may be able to see you sooner than you think!

3. Consider Temporary Fixes

If your dentist can’t see you right away and you’re experiencing discomfort, you may use dental wax as a stopgap. Smoosh a small amount with your fingers and spread it over the affected tooth. This will help insulate your tooth and relieve the irritaion of rough surfaces. Don’t try to reattach the veneer yourself as it could cause damage to both, doing more harm than good.

4. Go to Your Appointment

Once you’re at your appointment, your dentist can assess the full scope of your veneer mishap. They’ll examine your tooth to make sure it doesn’t have damage or cavities and then reattach your veneer if possible. Be sure to follow any instructions they give you for the care of your veneers. Good oral hygiene, avoiding bad oral habits, and wearing mouth protection during sports are the best ways to preserve your smile.

Experiencing a fallen veneer can be stressful, but with quick thinking and decisive action, you can restore your smile to its former glory. Remember to stay calm, take necessary precautions, and trust in the expertise of your dentist. They’ll be able to restore your teeth and help you support your veneers for brighter smiles for life.

About the Author

Dr. Rob Madry has been serving the Corpus Christi area for over 20 years, providing life-changing treatment for his patients. He is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and earned his dental doctorate from the Baylor College of Dentistry. Since then, he has continued his education through multiple advanced training courses over hundreds of hours to hone his skills and learn about new dental technology. Call (361) 991-7622 to schedule a dental veneer consultation at Rob Madry, DDS or visit the website to explore other services they offer.

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